Ford Fleet Identification Number

A FIN code, or Fleet Identification Number, ensures your company, municipality or business receives all the benefits and resources it needs from Ford and your local Ford dealer to be successful running your fleet operation. For each fleet type, there are requirements, acceptable documentation, and in service requirements Ford requires to be submitted before receiving a FIN number.

As a Fleet customer, you and your company will have access to benefits such as:

What vehicle types qualify to be registered for FIN code?

Acceptable Units In Operation

Vehicles within a customer’s fleet which can be counted towards meeting the eligibility requirements for a FIN code. Such vehicles include:

Examples of acceptable equipment include: Fork lifts, Backhoes, Cranes, Tractors, Cement Mixers, Pavers, Street Sweepers, Bulldozers, Mack Trucks, Bobcats, ATV’s.

Unacceptable Units In Operation

Vehicles and equipment within a customer’s fleet that cannot be counted towards meeting the eligibility requirements for a FIN:

Examples of non-motorized, attached trailers that do not qualify include: horse trailers, truck trailers, boat trailers, and utility trailers.


What is Ford Pro?

Ford Motor set up a Ford Pro organization dedicated to the commercial vehicle business last year. Ford Pro combines the world-class cars, trucks, vans and SUVs you need to build your fleet with the service options, financing flexibility and telematics data you need to manage it.

Am I a Ford Pro customer?

All commercial customers – big or small – are Ford Pro customers.

What is Ford Pro FinSimple, and how does it relate to Ford Credit?

Ford Pro FinSimple is the new commercial financing brand name for Ford Credit customers. Our goal is to separate your experience from those financing personal-use or retail vehicles, so we can meet your unique business needs.

How can I get more information about Ford Pro FinSimple?

For more information about Ford Pro FinSimple, you can visit to check out all that we have to offer.

Why are we changing an established brand?

We are excited to make the transition to Ford Pro FinSimple to align your vehicle experience with Ford Pro. Whether it’s total cost of ownership analysis, developing plans and programs to meet your business needs or connecting you with the right dealership partners, Ford Pro FinSimple has the industry expertise to be the reason you choose and stay with Ford Pro.

Will I get different financing services under the new brand?

Ford Pro FinSimple will continue to offer the same great products and services you expect from Ford Credit with additional enhancements to support new Ford Pro products and services. We will continue to be there when you need us, answering your calls at l-877-224-1262 ext. 74977.

Do I need to change who I pay for my financing (Ford Credit or Ford Pro FinSimple)? Are there any other impacts to me because of the brand change?

No. Please continue to make your payments out to Ford Credit as set forth in your contract. There are no other impacts to your existing contract or relationship.

Will this impact my current contract and/or any other legal documents I have executed with Ford Credit?

Your current contract will not change and will reflect the original creditor. References to Ford Pro FinSimple will be limited to marketing communications at this time. At a later date (TBD), invoices, letters, cures, and other documents will update to the Ford Pro FinSimple brand.

Do I need to call a different number for service?

Our plan is to create a Ford Pro FinSimple telephone number in 2023. We will let you know when that change takes place, but for now you can continue to reach us at l-877-224-1262 ext. 74977.

Will my invoice and/or Account Manager change to reflect the new Ford Pro FinSimple brand?

FinSimple logo on certain Ford Credit documents and applications, but you will continue to have the same Account Manager payment experience at

To become a U.S Ford Fleet Account, for vehicles which are owned and operated in the United States, you must register for a U.S. Fleet Identification Number (FIN Code). You will also be asked to provide proof of eligibility documentation for the vehicles in your fleet.

U.S. FIN Code eligibility requirements and examples of acceptable documentation are listed by category below.

Body Modifier

A company that specializes in converting vehicles, i.e. limousines, dump trucks, ambulances etc. A separate FIN for the end user customer is required at time of sale.

U.S Eligibility Requirements
Proof of Business Enterprise No vehicle registrations needed.
Acceptable Documentation
Photos of upfits in progress to show the types of chassis’ utilized as well the types of upfits/modifications being completed.
In Service Requirements



A company that purchases or leases vehicles for use in conducting their day-to-day business.

U.S Eligibility Requirements
Registered or leased for use in operation 5 or more new vehicles (any make or model) during the current or preceding calendar year – OR – Currently operate a fleet of 15 or more vehicles (any make or model)
Acceptable Documentation

Current registrations, or insurance cards or schedule including declaration page, or lease agreements (accepted on new vehicles only), or buyers orders (accepted on new vehicles only), or billing statement from Fleet Management Company, or Titles (accepted on new vehicles only).

In Service Requirements
12 months in service OR 20,000 miles

Leasing Management Company

A company that purchases vehicles to lease out to Ford Motor Company End User customers. A separate FIN for the end-user customer is required at time of vehicle order.

U.S Eligibility Requirements

Registered or leased for use in operation 5 or more new vehicles (any make or model) during the current or preceding calendar year – OR – Currently operate a fleet of 15 or more vehicles (any make or model)

Acceptable Documentation
Photos of upfits in progress to show the types of chassis’ utilized as well the types of upfits/modifications being completed.
In Service Requirements

12 months in service OR 20,000 miles

Limo, Livery & Funeral

A company that purchases vehicles to be used in their “for-hire” transportation or funeral business.
U.S Eligibility Requirements

Proof of Business Enterprise
No vehicle registrations needed.

Acceptable Documentation

Livery license · “For-hire” permit · For Hire Insurance certificate or schedule · Statement of usage intent · PUC License · TLC license (Taxi & Limousine Commision) · Funeral Operator’s license

In Service Requirements

12 months in service OR 20,000 miles


A company that purchases vehicles for the sole purpose of using it for taxi transportation.

U.S Eligibility Requirements

Proof of Business Enterprise
No vehicle registrations needed.

Acceptable Documentation

TLC Operator’s License

In Service Requirements

12 months in service OR 20,000 miles

Daily Rental

A company that rents vehicles by day, week or month to the general public.

U.S Eligibility Requirements

Registered or leased for use in operation 10 or more new vehicles (any make or model) during the current or preceding calendar year – OR – Currently operate a fleet of 15 or more vehicles (any make or model)

Acceptable Documentation

Current registrations, or Insurance cards or schedule including Declaration page, or Buyers order (accepted on new vehicles only), or Titles (accepted on new vehicles only), AND National Franchise Agreement, or Copy of Standard rental agreement.

In Service Requirements

6 months in service AND 12,000 miles, or 12 months regardless of number of months in service. *For repurchase in-service requirements refer to current year’s program announcement.

Government Agency

Any federal agency, state, city, county (called “parishes” in LA), town, village, Indian tribe/nation, school systems “Public School” in the title, district or authority.
U.S Eligibility Requirements

Registered or leased for use in operation 1 new vehicle (any make or model) during the current or preceding calendar year – OR – Currently operate a fleet of 3 or more vehicles (any make or model)

Acceptable Documentation

Current registrations, or Insurance cards or schedule including Declaration page, or Titles (accepted on new vehicles only), or Purchase orders, or Buyers orders (accepted on new vehicles only), or Lease agreements AND Purchase letter from the state on state letterhead, or Letter of Government Funding – The funding criteria can be utilized by the following entities – Companies Providing Social and Judicial Services such as – Nursing Homes, Assisted Living Residential Facilities, Ambulance and School Bus Transportation Companies, Adult Day Care, Centers for the Disabled, Drug Rehabilitation Centers, Job Assistance Centers, Charter Schools, and Law Enforcement Services Companies (e.g., prisoner transportation, serving warrants, etc.)

In Service Requirements

State & Local: 12 months in service OR 25,000 miles
Federal: 6 months in service


A company that provides a utility service to the public. If the state, city or local government operates the company, they should have a Government FIN.

U.S Eligibility Requirements

Registered or leased for use in operation 10 or more new vehicles (any make or model) during the current or preceding calendar year – OR – Currently operate a fleet of 15 or more vehicles (any make or model)

Acceptable Documentation

Current registrations, or Insurance cards or schedule including Declaration page, or Lease agreements, or Buyers orders (accepted on new vehicles only), or Billing statement from Fleet Management Company, or Titles (accepted on new vehicles only)

In Service Requirements

12 months in service OR 20,000 miles

Ford Fleet Dealer

Chastang Ford is a leading Ford Fleet Dealer in the city of Houston, TX. We have a team of fleet specialists ready to assist your business to attain a Fleet Identification Number. Our fleet associates will help walk you through the process and answer any questions you may have along the way about U.S. Eligibility Requirements, Acceptable Documentation and In Service Vehicle Requirements. 

Fleet Identification Number

Receive help getting a FIN code. Expect a response directly from our Ford Fleet Specialist.

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